home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /******************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* YAM2URL */
- /* */
- /* for use with YAM 2.0 by Marcel Beck */
- /* */
- /* Copyright ©1997 by Dick Whiting */
- /* */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* This will display a URL using your browser, start the browser if needed, */
- /* uniconify it if already running. It can also be used to view HTML mime */
- /* attachments. */
- /* */
- /* To use this for double-clicking and going to a URL: */
- /* edit the three variables in this script for your configuration */
- /* YAM Config->ARexx->When double-clicking an URL (last entry in list) */
- /* set the type to ARexx (cycle gadget) */
- /* set the script string to 'Yam:Rexx/YAM2URL.rexx' (assuming it's here) */
- /* set open console OFF */
- /* set wait for termination OFF */
- /* SAVE settings */
- /* you can now double-click on a URL and go to it. */
- /* */
- /* To use this for displaying included HTML attachments: */
- /* YAM Config->Read->MimeViewers */
- /* if there is NOT a type for 'text/html' create a NEW one */
- /* set viewer to: 'sys:rexxc/rx Yam:Rexx/YAM2URL.rexx %s' */
- /* SAVE settings */
- /* you can now display HTML attachments by selecting 'Display' from the */
- /* YAM read window and choosing the HTML attachment from the list. */
- /* */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* !!! You need to edit the four values hideyam,browser,runbr, and newwindow. */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* NOTES: */
- /* */
- /* (This value is specified on the Config->Mixed page.) */
- /* */
- /* set viewer to: 'sys:rexxc/rx Yam:Rexx/YAM2URL.rexx file:///%s' */
- /* */
- /* Also, the '%s' you specify for *MUST* be lowercase. This applies to ALL */
- /* mime prefs, not just the one for Yam2URL. Uppercase '%S' will NOT pass */
- /* the correct information to your mime viewers. */
- /* */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* If you have the rexxtricks.library installed then the browser screen will */
- /* pop to the front correctly. */
- /* You can find this on Aminet/util/rexx/RexxTricks_386.lha */
- /* */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Standard Disclaimer: I wrote it, it works for me, I don't guarantee */
- /* that it will do anything productive for anyone else, etc. etc. ;-) */
- /* */
- /* */
- /*HOWEVER, if you do find a use for it: I homeschool my kids and they would */
- /*love a postcard from where EVER you live. Instant Geography Lesson;) */
- /* */
- /*POSTCARDS: Dick Whiting */
- /* 28590 S. Beavercreek Rd. */
- /* Mulino, Oregon 97042 */
- /* USA */
- /* */
- /* */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* */
- /* Dick Whiting <dwhiting@europa.com> */
- /* 31 March 1998 */
- /* */
- /******************************************************************************/
- /*
- $VER: 1.4 Copyright ©1998 by Dick Whiting
- $AUTHOR: Dick Whiting
- $DESCRIPTION: Goto URL for Yam2.x
- */
- parse arg url
- options results
- /******************************************************************************/
- /* !!! EDIT THESE !!! EDIT THESE !!! EDIT THESE !!! */
- /******************************************************************************/
- browser='IBROWSE' /* IBROWSE, VOYAGER, or AWEB only. */
- runbr='C:RUN >NIL: TEMP:IBROWSE/IBROWSE' /* this is your browser-- keep quotes*/
- newwindow=0 /* set this to 1 for a NEW window. */
- hideyam=0 /* set this to 1 to iconify YAM prior to opening the browser*/
- /******************************************************************************/
- /* See if it's an html mime attachment. */
- /******************************************************************************/
- htmltext=0
- if upper(left(url,9))='T:YAMMSG-' then do
- htmltext=1
- Address Command 'Copy 'url 'T:yam2url.html QUIET'
- url='file:///T:yam2url.html'
- end
- /******************************************************************************/
- /* These should work, but you can change them if not. */
- /******************************************************************************/
- browser=strip(upper(browser))
- select
- when browser='IBROWSE' then do
- brscreen='IBROWSE' /* CASE SENSITIVE browser screen name */
- portname='IBROWSE' /* ARexx portname of your browser */
- portcmd1='GOTOURL "'url'"' /* for IB, open URL in current window */
- portcmd2='NEWWINDOW "'url'"' /* open URL in a NEW window */
- showcmd='SHOW' /* MUI uniconify command */
- end
- when browser='VOYAGER' then do
- brscreen='VOYAGER' /* CASE SENSITIVE browser screen name */
- portname='VOYAGER' /* ARexx portname of your browser */
- portcmd1='OPENURL "'url'"' /* for IB, open URL in current window */
- portcmd2='OPENURL "'url'" NEWWIN' /* open URL in a NEW window */
- showcmd='SHOW' /* MUI uniconify command */
- end
- when browser='AWEB' then do
- brscreen='AWEB.1' /* CASE SENSITIVE browser screen name */
- portname='AWEB.1' /* ARexx portname of your browser */
- portcmd1='OPEN "'url'"' /* for IB, open URL in current window */
- portcmd2='NEW "'url'"' /* is there a one for NEW WINDOW ??? */
- showcmd='SHOW' /* no idea if this works:) */
- end
- otherwise do
- Address YAM 'REQUEST "Invalid browser name in script" "OK"'
- exit
- end
- end
- tricks=0
- if ~show('L','rexxsupport.library') then do
- addlib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30)
- end
- if ~show('L','rexxtricks.library') then do
- if exists('LIBS:rexxtricks.library') then do
- tricks=addlib('rexxtricks.library',0,-30)
- end
- end
- else tricks=1
- if ~show(p,portname) then do
- Address Command runbr '"'url'"'
- do 5 while ~show(p,portname)
- Address Command 'SYS:REXXC/WAITFORPORT 'portname
- end
- if rc=5 then do
- Address YAM 'SHOW'
- Address YAM 'REQUEST "Could not find "' portname '" port" "OK"'
- exit
- end
- end
- else do
- interpret 'Address' portname showcmd
- if newwindow then do
- interpret 'Address' portname "'"portcmd2"'"
- end
- else do
- interpret 'Address' portname "'"portcmd1"'"
- end
- if tricks then do
- foo=PUBSCREENTOFRONT(brscreen)
- end
- end
- if hideyam then do
- Address Command 'C:run >nil: sys:rexxc/rx "Address YAM HIDE"'
- end
- exit